Book Birthdays - 15th November 2017
It's Publication Day! Happy Book Birthday to the following 2 books which have been added to my To Be Read pile: Uniquely Normal by Robert J Bernstein Tapping the Reservoir of Normalcy to Treat Autism Author Robert J. Bernstein has found a different approach in helping people of all ages with ASD. Based on cognitive thinking, the goal is for people with ASD to be able to live in the world and connect with the people in it as themselves. Bernstein believes that whatever he does therapeutically must be on the individual’s terms—he or she must lead. Therapy examples are categorized by age groups, and demonstrate people with autism’s abilities to express their unique humanity, and engage more fully in the human interactions that give life meaning and make it worth the effort of getting out of bed every day. Women of the Storm by Emmanuel David Civic Activism after Hurricane Katrina Hurricanes Katrina and Rita made landfall less than four weeks apart in ...