What I Learned - It Could Happen to You by Isla Dewar
It Could Happen to You was the first of many Isla Dewar books I have read, and it makes me smile as much just reading the quotes I saved today as it did the first time I read it! What I learned: Always, always make sure you treasure the now. Your past will always be there but don't let it tarnish your precious now. Make an effort to look for the good and I guarantee you will see it! Boy can I relate to this...whenever things get good I am guilty for expecting it to be short lived and waiting for it to "bottom out". Admittedly, this makes me appreciate and enjoy the moment all the more because you never know when things are going to change, but part of me thinks it's wrong to wait for the bottoming-out! We all deserve happiness, and for things to be good, and just because it hasn't always been that way doesn't mean it won't be in the future! This speaks for itself - stop & think about it - it's totall...