What I Learned - Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet by Jamie Ford

This book was gorgeous and surprising - I am ashamed to say that until I read this I was unaware of the displacement suffered by the Japanese in the States after Pearl Harbour. I will definitely be reading more now. What I Learned: I love how observant this is … for a lot of people talking to strangers can make you feel even lonelier than just talking to no one. I think we've all felt like this at times. Like there's absolutely no point having nice or precious things because they just break or disappear. I know I've felt like this. It's important to remember that this feeling is temporary though and that things will always get better. Another cracking observation. It doesn't matter how much you try to escape from or forget your past. It is always there. Maybe instead of trying to escape and forget we should just try dealing with it instead. One of the most honest descriptions of caring...