What I Learned - The United States of Us by Kate Sundara
This is one of the most lyrically gorgeous books I have read in a long, long time! Timely for me too, having just spent almost a month with some of the amazing First Nations people from Canada...I want to read and learn absolutely everything I can about the Native way of life and traditions! This was an unexpected bonus when reading this book! What I Learned The first of many beautifully stunning written descriptions in this book. Kate's descriptive prose are some of the best I have ever read and I just couldn't get enough of them. ...sometimes it the only thing that keeps you going! Another beautiful description...just perfection. This is one of the greatest gifts. The ability to see the magic that is everywhere. Tricky, at times. Especially when life gets hard and complicated and sad and stressful. But the magic is always there. Waiting. Hoping you notice. Surround yourself with the peop...