What I Learned - Forgotten Violets by Martin Niewood
A dystopian YA unlike anything I've read before. What I Learned: This made me think about the recent attack in Manchester...the spirit of a place always comes from it's people. My life, in particular, seems to be unbelievably random. I learned a long time just to embrace it and go with the flow. Every day is always a blessing, we just need to remember that! ...and in addition smile, and truly believe that you can deal with whatever comes your way. You can handle anything, and this isn't the end of your story, this is just the middle, and no matter how bad things are now remember it is taking you somewhere amazing. I think we would do well to remember this - especially when it comes to other people who could be feeling alone. One of the greatest, and possibly the most confusing, feelings in the world. Make the most of every second because none of us know what's around the corner. ...