What I Learned - Busted by Gina Ciocca
I'm delighted to post about this brand new ya novel released on 2nd January! I had a few real "goose-bump moments reading this book...Marisa's mum is a single parent (check), who makes cards (check), and has the surname of Turner (check)!!! Sometimes a story is just too close to home! (This book was previously featured on my Must Read Releases post ) What I Learned: I had this exact conversation with someone the other day...it's funny how, especially when it comes to relationships, a bad ending can wipe out all the many many good times before, or maybe it's just that the rose tinted glasses are well are truly off so you look at them all in a new light. Try to remember that you must have been smiling and happy at the time or you wouldn't have stayed so long. ...people will always surprise you no matter how well you think you know them - in good ways as well as challenging ways! ...at this point, for some inexplicable reason, ...