What I Learned - Our Homesick Songs by Emma Hooper
This gorgeous book was a surprise and a delight and left me wanting more in the best way possible.
What I Learned:
What a beautiful idea. Can't you just imagine looking out the window from your remote cottage knowing the people you love were out on the water and thinking this?
This actually gives me goose-bumps. I am luck enough to have spent many a night right by the sea, be it in a tent, or my trusty old vw, or in a cottage, and that always-there wind, and those always-there waves become the backdrop to everything, especially when you are lying awake in the wee small hours.
Another beautiful idea. The myths surrounding the sea are just so magical.
I believe in this feeling when you find the place that is truly "home" for you (not always necessarily the place you grew up either.) It physically hurts to leave it behind.
Sums up perfectly the feeling of leaving people behind and moving on.
I am a big sea-glass collector. It's the first things I look for by the sea wherever I am. I have jars, vases and bottles filled with all the beautiful colours, and usually when I put on a coat I've not worn in a while I will find some in the pocket. And it always, always makes me smile.
This quote instantly reminded me of my favourite memorial just outside Dunbar, Scotland. It's heart-wrenchingly beautiful and shows the wives and children of sailors lost looking out to see watching for them coming home.
I think this is what happens when you move somewhere that isn't necessarily where you grew up, but it's where you feel most at "home". You just start belonging. Like it's where you were always supposed to be.
There's a wee remote community and a peninsula in Scotland that I would give anything to move to. To live in. But this right here hits the nail on the head. You have to have work. Something to do. And that can be tricky. But I am determined to make it happen.
Sometimes after a particularly challenging day this is just exactly what you need.
This made me smile. It's important to have that thing you are working towards, especially if you are not head over heels with the work you are doing to get there. It's important to remember that it is a means to an end.
The power of music. I've said it before and I will say it again. It's a real leveller. It makes you belong. My daughter is part of an amazing organisation called Hillfoots Music for Youth, and it's such a huge important part of her life. The people who make it happen are incredible, and passionate, and have such a huge impact on these kids lives...and I am grateful to them every day.
What is normal anyway. Everyone is unique, special, and that should be embraced. You are you, and no one else is like you, and that, and you, is amazing. So be you! And make no apologies!
Contentment. The goal.
Another goose-bump moment for me. Utter perfection.
My Goodreads Review:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
An utterly mesmeric and atmospheric read from start to end, that evoked, for me, memories of childhood holidays spend in some of Scotland's more remote places where people didn't take out their boats or hand washing on a Sunday.
In some ways depicting what we could call a gentler life maybe. but so much harsher in so many ways. Also made me think a lot about the clearances. Whole ways of life and communities wiped out on a whim. And of course our social and environmental responsibilities. The fish are disappearing. Fact. There are little Finn's in many a traditional Scottish fishing village.
I absolutely adored this book, and it left me wanting more in the best of ways.
Let's do everything we can to look after these little communities. My celtic blood is running at fever pitch! Just a pitch perfect, beautiful read.
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Our Homesick Songs was published by Simon & Schuster. Find them online at:
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