What I Learned - Her Book Boyfriend by K R Grace
Lovely written High-School tale about a self confessed "geek girl" and her journey to find the perfect "Book Boyfriend" to take her to prom!
What I Learned:
I might have to steal this and start referring to Amazon as my "dealer"! Any book-aholic knows we work for our books, no matter how many we have in our to be read pile there is always space for more new "friends"
I think it's really important for us to teach our daughters to be their own hero and not to wait for someone to come and save them!
This quote spoke to me because it describes my daughter perfectly, and she has been this way ever since she was a toddler!
Love this - yet another empowering quote for our teenage girls! Always be you! People will love me for it, trust me!
I hope my daughter grows up with this instilled in her too! There's no point regretting anything! It's happened, so move on and love living your life!
Anything nasty that is said in your direction is normally more of a reflection of the insecurities of the person saying it, rather than anything to do with you! Hold your head high and walk away!
Everyone deserves this moment (no matter what comes after!)
Wow, just wow!
My Goodreads Review:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Brilliant high-school story with lovely characters who are relatable to every teen. My 14 year old daughter is going to love this, and I think will be up late into the night reading it in one sitting!
Central to the story is the loveable self-proclaimed geek, Macey Greere, who loves nothing better than losing herself in some romantic fiction and believes by following a simple formula from the books she can bag herself the perfect "Book Boyfriend" in time for prom. Full disclosure - I am 37 and still think the boys in books are better than the boys in real life! In fact I had this very conversation with my daughter a few days ago!
Then we have her life-time best friend, Camden Davis, typical Jock with the attitude to girls to match, and as Masey puts it "more swagger than Mick Jagger"
I loved that this story was so believable, and the everyday problems and teen-angst are written in a really honest way - the hang ups and "self-perceptions" of all the characters could be any teen in any high school today, worries about family, college, how other people see them, juggling work, hobbies & school work as well as maintaining friendships.
I can't wait for book 2, and to hear my teen daughters reaction to this book!
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Happy Reading!