What I Learned - The Gustav Sonata by Rose Tremain
A gorgeous story about friendship, love and growing old...
What I Learned:
Sometimes it is just that simple...two people meant to be...
Always be courageous and strong and you can get through anything...
The more I think about this quote the more it gives me goosebumps. It's so true. My personal family story of the First World War reflects this...I will share it at a later date!
Once it's gone it's gone, so make the most of every moment while it's here...
Try your best to keep the laughter more than the tears. This is such a challenge sometimes, but through the heart break there will always be something good to make you smile...
Interesting & made me think. Although I'm not sure I agree entirely - sometimes you have to crack that hard exterior and let people in. And Switzerland stands alone, this isn't always a good thing. But still an interesting concept.
How true is this? How often do we put things off for another day? We don't say how we feel because we think we have time. We don't do the things that we dream about doing because we think we have time. Time is going faster than you think so make the effort to say the important things and do the things you want to do sooner rather than later.
This makes me think of the famous "ours is not to reason why" quote. Things just happen, and more often that not, not as we'd planned or anticipated. This is life, and I believe that a big part of life is about learning to roll with the punches with grace, dignity and a smile on your face.
Go out and live your "proper" life NOW! Tomorrow is always the day you are older. Cram as much in to today as possible.
Such a concise way to put it - I feel this about the people I love, especially my daughter. Her winning & being "the best" isn't the least bit important to me, but it absolutely breaks my heart sometimes when she doesn't get the outcome she is looking for.
I know I have mentioned them before in my Halo post, but I just feel I have to mention them again with this quote...
the amazing people at In Music We Trust, who believe that music can help you get through whatever it is you are going through in life, so amazing things...please take 2 minutes to click on their link and find out more about them - the video is inspiring.
true...wasting time is often not a waste of time at all, but a chance to breathe, be still, think, rest and regroup and this does us all good at times.
again true, we have the infinite ability to adapt to any situation that comes our way. We may feel we lack control, but we can ALWAYS control our reaction to external events.
love this insight into human interaction. Again, I hadn't thought about this before, but no matter how valid the reason for someone we care about "leaving" us, there is always that little bit of (often unspoken) resentment for the fact that they have left us behind and made us miss them.
Such a sad statement...never every feel that you can't tell someone how much you care, because you will only end up regretting it later on. Time is just too precious.
Savour and notice all the special little things every day. These are the things and times you will look back on fondly in your old age. Don't waste your life being discontent.
another thoughtful statement...is this a poor reflection on his life as he sees it, or is it a sign of contentment? I'm not sure. Every person is different and not everyone experiences that adventure seeking wanderlust, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Wanderlust is not something I lack, so I feel I need to put this to the test! Paris in Autumn anyone?
I believe that anyone who has spent that perfect period of time with the perfect people experiences this feeling. It's like everything else has stopped and faded away, and you are completely in the moment and loving everything about it. I felt like this on the Isle of Skye with my daughter recently.
We've all met that person that is constantly on the go and just can't sit still. It is good to just sit & be, take stock and allow yourself to process all the busy-ness and everything that is going on in our hectic life otherwise, I believe, it will all just pass you by in a blur.
I think I believe this as well...it's akin to giving up I suppose. Look for the joys in everyday, no matter how small and that will keep you going and looking forward to the joys still to come.
I wish this kind of peace and love for my daughter.
I think everyone has experienced this at one time or the other. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss and you wish you could "in-know" something as it flips your whole life upside down and changes your perception forever.
I think this is one of the saddest lines of literature I have ever read. Start being the person you "always should have been" today, because life is far too precious not to.
If you enjoyed these quotes check out my Rose Tremain Reading List
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Thanks so much for taking the time out to read my post, and, as always, happy reading!!