What I Learned - The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
I've not long finished reading this lovely book by Rachel Joyce published by Penguin. As far as I'm concerned this is a much read - and a little bit of an emotional roller coaster. Harold is an unlikely hero, but had me rooting for him right from the get go!
As for what I learned - there were a LOT of gorgeous gems in this book!
...just begin, take that first step - what have you got to lose?
...take your time, slow down, smell the roses. Don't rush and miss the little things in life.
...keep going, one step at a time, no matter how hard it seems. You will get there in the end.
...make sure you tell the people who count how much they mean to you every day. Never let a kind word go unsaid. Don't go to bed on an argument. You never know what is just around the corner.
...just try. Never ever stop trying. You can do anything!
...give whatever you can in this life. It's as important to appreciate the things you can give to this world as it is to acknowledge the things you receive.
...never ever ever forget that you have something unique and extraordinary within you! You are special, and enough! You have so much more to give than you know!
...every single person is unique & wonderful, and has overcome battles you may never know about. Never forget that.
...say no more!
...it's so important to try your very best to take everything life throws at you with a smile, and as positive an attitude as possible. Have faith, always. No matter how hopeless things may seem.
Don't forgot to click through to my Rachel Joyce Reading List.
Don't forgot to click through to my Rachel Joyce Reading List.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post. I would love to hear what you thought about Harold Fry, and any other book recommendations you have for me! Please feel free to comment!